Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh My God! Don Hintz is a Nuclear Christian Just Like Me!

Dear God:

I know, three prayers in one day, but I just had to write you. I was just about to go naked dancing around the spent fuel pool when my "You Have Mail" flag popped up. Imagine my surprise when it was a memo from one of Entergy's dieties! Rob and I have been noticed by Don Hintz himself, and he wants all of Entergy's nuclear fleet PR employees to start their own prayer blogs. You really do answer prayers.

Memo From Home Office of Don Hintz

As I am now once again keeping a closer eye on Entergy Operations with my anticipated ascension to the throne of our about to be newly formed SpinCo company, it has come to my attention that two of our distinguished PR men, Fake_Rob Williams and Fake_Jim Steets have started prayer blogs. Working in a nuclear reactor, we all know we could be blown to Kingdom Come at any time, so I applaud any effort taken by our employees to get right with God and Patrick Moore.

I am therefore instituting a new prayer blog policy for our entire Entergy Fleet of aging reactors as we carefully attempt to go where no man has gone before...God, I used to love Star Trek. Effective immediately, all PR department employees may spend up to 30 minutes during their plant's fueling outages for Blog Prayer.

In Nuclear We Pray

Don Hintz

This is almost a miracle. I never even knew that Don Hintz knew my name, and now because of my prayer blog, he mentions me in a memo. This is high praise indeed. Thank you God! Wait till the wife hears about this, I might even get lucky tonight. She has been a bit distant ever since I started growing that third testicle.


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